goated track
goated track
🐐 :D
Genuinely think you should continue making music, this one is probably my favourite of yours, and you have a lot of potential if you just keep at it. The dreamy atmosphere in this one is very well executed, and even though some melodies are kinda hard to follow - it kinda works here! And like somebody else here said this could very well fit in a Minecraft-like game, for sure
Well done Claudy, and I hope to see more music from you in the future <3
Aww I didn't think anyone would still be listening. Thanku <3 I might make music if I can get FL downloaded on my new laptop
Glad I inspired, man! :D The section at 1:04 is really interesting, I dig. The overall melody or idea doesn't really captivate me tho if I'm being honest, but trying something new and experimenting is always good and should be encouraged imo. Nice work, keep creating! :)
Tried to make something house, and failed a little I suppose, thanks for your honest opinion! Maybe I’ll try this genre again!
Sounds like if Dimrain47 or cornandbeans were to collab with Waterflame back in the mid-2000s haha. Sweet! I dig the orchestral elements mixed with the "Newgrounds-styled" techno, and the song reminds me of a cowboy adventure or something, especially with the mood change in the middle. Good job!
Both were very good artists back in the day and should've collaborated with him. Thanks for the review!
Yooo thanks for checking this out! And yeah, I can kinda see where your coming from!
Ayooooo!! I love it man :D
Thank you!
Awesome! :)
Thank you! :D
I am from Norway and I make music.
Age 17, Male
Joined on 7/30/19